Process and Guidelines for Shooting post COVID-19

Everyone at Fifty-Three Six is excited about getting back to what we do best. During this time of uncertainty we want to reassure all our clients and colleagues that we have put together a range of measures to ensure a safe work environment for filming and productions.

As the situation is ever changing, we have a robust contingency plan to ensure there will be no interruption of service.  Several Producers Associations around Europe, including the Commercial Producers Ireland (CPI), have recently published guidance on film production during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The guidance focuses on putting the government guidelines for work environments into practice on film sets. This working document outlines how Fifty-Three Six will be implementing  government guidelines in our productions; it will be updated when new information becomes available and/or regulations change.

  1. We will contact all crew and cast members 24hours in advance of the call time to confirm that they are well and free of symptoms. Anyone displaying coronavirus symptoms will not be permitted on set. 

  2. Two metre social distancing will be observed at all times. Only essential personnel will be permitted on set, this will be managed by the safety officer and/or 1st AD.  All crew will wear personal protective equipment (PPE) as appropriate. We will provide the crew and cast with alcohol hand sanitizer at all entry points and common areas. Regular set cleaning will take place, and any workstation used by more than one person will be cleaned in between transfers.

  3. A full risk assessment will be carried out for each shoot. Advice on good hand hygiene, cough and sneeze etiquette will be provided with all production paperwork.

  4. A safety announcement will be made at the beginning of each shoot day outlining increased sanitation requirements and improved hygiene procedures.

  5. We plan to keep the crew to the absolute minimum. The crew will remain at least 6 feet from talent at all times. Although masks are not required at this time, they will be provided on any occasion where social distancing measures are difficult to maintain consistently due to confined filming space. In the event that a scene is being filmed in a small space only the following people will be allowed access while filming:

    • Camera Operator

    • Focus Puller 

    • Sound Recordist

  6. Where applicable, Production will provide remote viewing capabilities for all other crew and clients. A video village will be set up outside, if possible. Seating will be arranged so that social distancing is adhered to. Call times will be staggered in order to avoid any congestion.

  7. Only pre-packed meals will be provided to avoid contamination. Meal breaks will be staggered to ensure social distancing. Everyone must wash their hands before entering the catering/dining area. Wherever possible, local crew will use their own transport to get to work.


These guidelines will be reviewed and amended in line with any recommended changes from government or industry as the situation progresses.  As ever, the health and well-being of our production team, crew and their families is of paramount importance to us.

If you would like to discuss any of the above or hear from someone at Fifty-Three Six, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!


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Dylan Winn-Brown

Dylan Winn-Brown is a freelance web developer & Squarespace Expert based in the City of London.

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